Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Our Adoption Journey - Part 6

Then in March of 2012 our wait got more interesting.  On March 7th I received a call from a close friend, Mary Wisen.  Mary is the Children’s Ministry Director at our church (for those of you who don’t know…this is the lady that I told “I don’t do kids” and then she roped me into helping her with some administrative things and I have been loving my work with the kids for 2+ years).  Anyway, Mary’s husband Calvin is the Youth Pastor at our church and they are both involved in the Youth Group.  Several weeks before, one of the attendees had approached Mary to help talk to one of her friends whose girlfriend had just found out she was pregnant. 

Mary started conversing with Ethan and in there conversations she mentioned adoption and how there are so many caring couples waiting to adopt and in fact she had friends who were in the process.  The next time they talked Ethan let Mary know that he was fairly certain that Sophia wanted to place this baby but how could they ensure that he or she would be placed with a loving home like she talked about, like her friends.  Mary promptly told him that she could help them ensure that the baby went to her friends – US!  When I received the call from Mary, I have to be honest that I was a little skeptical.  We had never envisioned that we would locate our own birth mom or really that she would find us…we always thought this news would come through the agency.  So Mary asked permission to relay our contact information to Ethan – we agreed and waited on pins and needles for his call…

 For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
  neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD.
 For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
  so are my ways higher than your ways
  and my thoughts than your thoughts.
(Isaiah 55:8-9 ESV)

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