Monday, July 2, 2012

Mommy Monday's

Nope - Cooper still isn't here!
But I've been doing some thinking the past couple of days.  Yesterday it really hit me that it is going to be somewhat strange to have him here with us instead of in Sophia's belly.  She has been carrying him for 39+ weeks now.  And as I was thinking of her and praying yesterday I began to wonder how it is going to feel for her to not have him there anymore.  He's become a part of her that will likely be "out" so to speak in just a few short days.  And although she has made this choice and knows that we are the forever family that God has chosen for Cooper and that she will still see him in the will it feel for her to leave the hospital without him??  Unimaginable for me and probably for her too at this point.  This also got me thinking that since March we've been wondering how the two of them are doing and soon she will be wondering how the three of us are doing.  I know that we will continue to think of her daily and pray for her often, but what a switch! 

Please pray that the Lord provides us all the strength and grace that we need to endure this transition!

Oh and here are some of the pictures that Alex Wisen took at the baby shower a few weeks ago. Sophia and Ethan and Vikki were all in attendance and it was a delightful evening that will not soon be forgotten...

A mural for Cooper's room - the leaves have bible verses
So grateful for him

So grateful for the women of HBCSL

The two Mommas

Meeting my Gram :)
Gifts for Cooper

Thanks Jules!!

and a gift for Sophia
Our Heart on her belly
We really just couldn't figure it out...

She did way better

The Grandmas (just missing my mom)

So glad they could come!!

1 comment:

  1. Praying and waiting with you! Hugs and love to you, my friend!
