Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Dad's Back!

I can't believe my little guy is 3 weeks old already, where does the time go? As I sit here and write my blog post today Cooper is in his bouncy seat on the couch and taking a nap. I didn't get a chance to post last week because I was out of town in Madison, Wisconsin. I was training at Sub-Zero/Wolf Appliances corporate head quarters. It was a tough week for several reasons. 1) I was away from my Candice & Cooper. 2) After the training ended each day, everyone would go out and drink and I would go back to my hotel room so I could call home and talk to Candice and see if Cooper had grown! Don't get me wrong the training was very good and will be beneficial for my's just that I missed my family very very much!

I must say I have the best wife and Cooper has the best mom in the world for sending me pictures and taking care of our son by herself while I was gone. I now know for a fact that parenting is a full time job within itself.

While I was gone Candice's Mom and Gus came to visit baby Cooper for the week (they live in Florida). It was great to have Cooper meet his Grandma and Grandpa and spend time with them. However, I know Candice and I are very tired as it seems like we have running around for weeks now. We are looking forward to Friday and Saturday night when we can do NOTHING but rest and hold our favorite little guy!

Grandma Teresa and Grandpa Gus

Candice's family has left for home today and it was a sad goodbye from Grandma, but she will be back soon. We are heading out to Holland to see my Mom and Dad and also take Cooper to Candice's work so they can see our special little man. 

By next Wednesday my son will be a month OLD! WOW.......Until next time.

Proud Dad and Husband...............

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