Becoming a Mom...
Before Cooper arrived I did a lot of would I know when he was hungry or wet or tired, how would I know if his diaper needed to be changed or if he "had to go", what if the bath water was too cold/hot, what if the bottle was too cold/hot, would he eat too much or too little, would he sleep good, would I be able to get up with him in the night and still function the next day - so really I guess you could say I was worrying!
But God's Word tells me to "not be anxious about anything"...God provides!! God provides a mother's instinct. The instinct does not just result from carrying a child for nine months and birthing him. That instinct comes out of the love for your baby! I know just when Cooper is hungry - probably because that is really the only time that he crys. I know when he is wet (because Huggies has the cool little strip that turns blue after he goes). I know when he is tired because his eyelids get REALLY heavy. I know when he "has to go" because he grunts and grunts and grunts. My hand knows just when the bath water is the right temp and he will eat his bottle right out of the fridge if that's how we give it to him. He eats lots - eating us out of house and home already. He sleeps great - up to 4 hours at a time at night already. And I absolutely love the night feedings. Don't get me wrong, sometimes I can barely function through them, sometimes I doze off and end up with a bottle leaking all over my pj's, but what a special time to spend with my guy and I'm getting more than enough sleep to get through the days with him. So really why did I worry - God provides!!
Let me tell you a few more things I have learned-
Everyone will oogle over your little one - want to touch him - or hold him or just comment about how good or cute he is (especially grandmas)...
Moms wash their hands WAY more often than others and hand sanitizer makes them extremely DRY (except for the great stuff from Goldbond recommended by Normalshmormal!)...
The over-the-head onesies are really hard to get on the first few days, but your figure it out and it gets much easier...
Burping a baby is an art form - one that takes serious patience...
Something that takes even more restraint is not picking at those little whiteheads that appear when your little one has baby acne...
Boys will pee on you (it has already happened more than once)...
Baby poop is very runny so you definitely need extra protection on the changing pad...
We have way more than enough clothes, just enough burp clothes and Swaddle blankets, but never enough diapers or wipes :)...
Washing bottles is a never ending job...
Going from 2 people to 3 people increases you laundry ten-fold...especially when the 3rd is an infant...
Your heart changes when you have a baby...even through adoption. I told myself to guard my heart, but as soon as I saw him - it melted!!...
When you see your child learning something new it evokes emotions you have never experienced before...
When you see your spouse with your child it evokes emotions you have never had before...
When you pray for your child it is something all together new...
These are just a few of the things that I have already learned - but most of all my heart is fuller because of my son!! You can see why :)
So for all you soon to be moms out there...NO WORRIES!!