Monday, September 10, 2012

Mommy Monday

Well normally I will be home with Cooper on Mondays.  However, today I decided to work.  Why you say...well it's because on Wednesday when Richard would normally be home with him and I would be working, Cooper has a doctor visit.  I just couldn't talk myself into being OK with missing this one because they will be giving him his first set of vaccinations.  I think I will be more sad than he will so I just need to be there!!

That meant that today Cooper got to spend the day with Great Grandma Dorothy.  She just loves him so much which makes it just a tad bit easier for me to leave him and go to work.  Well actually, Richard is technically the one to "leave" him since he drops him off in the morning, but you get the idea.  As a bonus today, Grandma had an eye doctor visit so Cooper got to spend some time with Great-great Aunt Jane (my Grandma's sister) - Thanks so much for helping Aunt Jane!!

Cooper had a great day and mine got even better as soon as I was out of work and home with him.  Something not so new that he has been perfecting the past couple days is thumb sucking.  The night he was born he already got his thumb in his mouth and enjoyed some suckle time.  But since then it has been hit and miss, especially since he is an active little guy and flails his arms around.  Now that he is getting a little older (9 weeks tomorrow) he is improving and has been getting that thumb in more often...

The night he was born :)


I also have to share just a couple pictures from yesterday...Dada and Cooper watched their 1st NFL game together (or maybe that was the back of their eyelids)

Go Lions!

Big Strrrrrrrretch!!...even the monkey was laid out :)

Next Monday will be my first official working Mommy Monday - until then - Enjoy!

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