Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Dad's Day

I know it's been a couple weeks since I last posted my thoughts and what's on my mind with the little guy. For the past 2 Wednesdays we have been spending time together as a family hanging out just the three of us. We were preparing for the fact the we will no longer have a day just to ourselves, as Candice is now back to work.

Today was the first day that Cooper and I were by ourselves, I will call it father and son spending quality time together (Mommy calls it "Guy Time"). Before this whole process started I was very nervous about being alone with a baby...changing the diapers, feedings, bathing, dressing, crying, etc...would I be able to handle it? Well MEN, YES I did!  All of the things our little guy needs have become like second nature and I love every second of every day that I get to be a part of his life and care for him. My love for Cooper is indescribable, he melts this big guy's heart with every grin, smile, and especially when he is cooing.

Let's talk about today.......

First, I didn't have to get up until almost 5am for his night feeding...WhooHoo!!  We spent our morning sleeping in until about 8am and that was great! We had breakfast...Cooper 1st of course, because he who crys gets to eat first! :) Then we hung out and talked about life and that we were going to go out and visit some of Dad's old friends today. Here is a picture of the two of us on our adventure out of the house this morning. (Aren't we cute!)

We had a good time visiting some old friends that Dad has known for many years and spent some time just looking around at Lowe's in Muskegon.  Cooper was bright eyed and awake the whole time and just loved all the lights he got to look at. Both Candice and I have realized how much work it takes just to get ready to go anywhere when leaving the house now that Cooper is in the mix. But we wouldn't trade it for the world!!  I had a great time getting out with him today, even though it was only for a few hours.

Now ,Candice is home and has fallen asleep with Cooper in "their" chair after a long day of work.

In just a little while, we will be getting ready for small group tonight and this will be Cooper's first time with us. It is sure to be a fun time with a bon-fire and potluck at the Moellers.  Of course, most of our groupies have been along with us on our adoption journey and that makes it so fun to share him with all of them :)

Until next time...have a great rest of your week!

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