Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Dad's Day

The Gala, oh where do I start about our adventure on Monday night. The day started as normal and I went to work knowing that I needed to make sure that I got out at exactley 6pm or even a few minutes earlier if possible. The work day ended up being very busy with only myself and another person working that day.  It was nonstop from when we opened until the time we closed and of course because I needed to leave on time I ended up helping a customer until after 6:25pm! Needless to say I had to run in the house cleanup and change for the event. I had to look nice of course. Candice drove so I could unwind and tell her about my day as Cooper slept on the way there.

When we finally arrived at Fredrick Meijer Gardens at 7:40 pm, Candice looked all over for a parking spot (and we paked in what seemed like Timbuktoo :)). We walked in to see a huge crowed that I would estimate at maybe 500 people. We were escorted to to side side room and told someone will come get us when they're ready but to enjoy the exhibits if we like. We did decide to walk around and look at the Art Prize entrys on exihibit. There were two more familes beside us in the waiting room and you could start to tell that the kids were beginning to melt down from waiting. It was maybe 30 minutes total, but in kids time that is like 5 hours. During this whole time Candice said she was going to read a short explanation of what adoption means to us. I was glad that Candice was reading because I get nervous in front of large crowds of people. I did look at the note a couple times just to see what she was going to say about us and adoption. When they came and got us we walked through the whole crowd and we both saw people we knew. We finally got to the stage after playing dodge the chairs and people, and I was getting really nervous. We walked onto the stage and while we were listening to the other couples' tell their stories, Candice decided that she wanted to hold Cooper and then tell me that she didn't want to speak anymore because she was to nervous! It was to late for both of us to run and Cooper was being a real trooper and just in aww of all the lights and people he saw. So we couldn't use him as an excuse to quietly walk off stage, and that meant I had to walk up to the podium and read what Candice had wrote. I can tell you this...God gave me a peace about speaking and I even added some things to Candice's "script". I must say it wasn't that bad and I could have entertained them for hours with my personality and jokes! :) Okay maybe not. It was a nice and after we were done and walking off the stage one of the representatives from the adoption agency gave me a box with cupcakes in it! I think they felt bad that we didn't get dinner and ended up just waiting for people to finished eating. Oh well, we had a good time and great stories to tell of our adventure for the Gala! (especially how Candice threw that bombshell at me on stage)

Today I got to spend time with my favorite little guy and we had a great morning together and I love every minute I get to spend with him. I'm starting to get the hang of balancing being a dad and getting things done around the house. When he lays down it's time to do things or maybe just take a nap with my favorite guy. Here is a video of my little guy laughing with Dad.

Thanks for reading! :)

Monday, September 24, 2012

Mommy Monday

Adoption Associates Gala

This evening, our family has been chosen to be the highlighted as the domestic family for 2012 at the Annual Change a Life—Change the World Gala.  This year's theme is "What is Adoption"

This night is not only a fundraiser for the four main initiatives of the agency, but also a celebration of the forever families and the commitment these families show as they walk the adoption journey. The fundraising initiatives include supporting birth mother outreach and education; humanitarian aid to international orphanages and children in surrounding villages; grants for adoptive families who wish to adopt but don’t have the means; and lastly an endowment fund used for the long lasting perpetuity of the agency and its mission.  Their focus on birth mother education and support was the main reason that Richard and I chose Adoption Associates to assist us in adopting Cooper.

As part of the event, our family will be on stage as the Executive Director reads a short bio about our family/adoption.  As many of you know, we created a 10 post Adoption Journey as part of this blog.  When the marketing director ask me for a "short" bio, she didn't have a clue how HARD that would be for me.  But in the end I was able to trim it down to one page (about twice as much as the other family!!)  As the bio is being read, they asked for some pictures that could be scrolled across the screen.  These are the ones we chose...



They are also going to ask us what adoption means to us.  Here is our answer...

"To us Adoption is Faith.  We trusted the Lord throughout this process and He was gracious to give us an amazing journey and a beautiful baby boy and we are thankful for His Faithfulness"

God started us on this journey and he will carry it unto completion!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Dad's Day

Well today was the 3rd week that Dad and Cooper have been together while mom was away at work. It would seem that I have been doing this for years now. Cooper and I had a great morning, first I fed him and then I got some breakfast too. We sat together in moms chair :) and read his Bible story book and he would coo on what he thought. I abosultely love spending time with Cooper and having him coo and smile and his facial expressions are priceless. He even "helped" me with my honey-do list from Mommy.  He is getting so big and as the doctor said he looks like the average 4 month old! It's hard to imagine but Cooper was 10 weeks old yesterday, it seems like he has been here much longer than 10 weeks.
Cooper missing Mommy
Resting after breakfast

Cooper fell asleep during reading time

All coos!

"Helping" Daddy clean the bathroom - yeah honey-do

Candice talked about the mind of a mom in her post on Monday and I feel like I now somewhat have the mind of a father. It's the best feeling in the world when I come home and get to spend time with my two favorite people. I also know that I'm the worrier of the family and that means Dad checks all doors multiple times at night before bed to make sure they are locked and I make sure everything is off and safe (such as the stove knobs). I know what your thinking, over protective and OCD. Well I think back to my childhood and can remember my grandmother checking the door when she would leave the house and jiggle the door handle until it would fall off. (Love that grandma!) I'm sure when Cooper gets older he will follow in the habits of his dad when taking care of his family.

When people say time goes by so fast, make sure you take everything in and enjoy every minute, it is so true! I can tell you this from this dad's experience that we are taking every minute of every day enjoying our gift from God! I'm so thankfull for what He has done and continues to do for us in taking care of my family. We serve a great God who loves all His children!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Mommy Monday

The Mind of a Mom

So last night I came to the realization that my mind has transitioned to that of a Mom!!  This came after a 1:00 am feeding.  I thought these were behind us since Cooper had been sleeping so well for the least few weeks.  When he woke up it was around 12:50 am and I thought to myself "he can't be hungry"...a few other thoughts like maybe he got scared or cold went through my mind.  So I got up and rocked him for a few minutes which seemed to help.  So I laid him back down - CRY!  Then I tried to rock with the pacifier - he calmed down again so I laid him in the crib - CRY!  So I tried to give him the pacifier in the crib (this is something we never do by the way) - still more crying.  I don't know why I forget that he really only cries when he is hungry...maybe because it was 1:00 am.  So I made a bottle and fed him - 3 ounces and he was back to sleep.  Apparently, he just needed to be topped off :)

Here is where the Mind of a Mom set in...I went back to bed and laid down and thought "hmmm his blanket was kind of bo-jangled...maybe I should get up and straighten it...what if it gets tangled around something and cuts off the's thin enough that if he gets it up around his face he can breathe through it...I hope he is warm enough if he's not fully covered...should I just get he is fine just go to sleep"  Mind you that all the while Richard is sleeping soundly beside me :)

In the end I just fell asleep without getting up and he was absolutely fine - he woke up again at 5:00 am for another feeding (the best Dada ever took that one!!).

When I got up this morning it occured to me that just as little as a few short months ago that if I woke up in the night it was because I had to go to the bathroom or Richard was snoring in my face.  Getting back to sleep then might have meant reminding myself of a few things I needed to do the next day or getting Richard to turn the other way.  But now just a few short months later I have another human being to think about.  And not just any human being, but our son who has stolen my heart and put it in his pocket for safe keeping.

Let me tell you that the Mind of a Mom is not only evident in the middle of the night.  I think it will be there forever and always.  Like now when I'm packing the diaper bag for a trip or making sure his laundry is done and bottles are washed...or in about a year when he is toddling around and I am thinking about all the things that need to be moved up out of a toddlers reach...or a year or so after that when I'm wondering if he needs to go potty so we keep on the right track with big boy undies...or how he is doing on his first day of kindergarten...or if that tackle hurt when he plays his first football game...or if he is eating that special lunch I made on his first day of middle school...or if he is safe on his first day of driver's training...or if he has butterflies as he is walking up to get his diploma...or if she said YES on the night he proposes to that special girl God has chosen just for him.  The Mind of a Mom does not rest and I'm so very thankful to have one!!

So excited to growth with him in all that God has in store...

Friday, September 14, 2012

Fun Friday!!

Cooper and I have had a very fun and productive day so far...

This morning we went to SLCRC to help my Grandma and a bunch of the ladies there put together ham on buns for a luncheon.  Of course having Cooper with me was a big hit!  I'm not sure which the ladies liked more...having my help...or oogling over Coop :)

Then, because if was such a beautiful morning, I decided to take a walk.  Cooper really loves to be outside and now that it has cooled down some we can really take advantage of that.  So I put on my walking shoes and we started here...
And didn't turn around until we got here...

At about this point in the journey...

Cooper gave me this face...

I think that may have been because it had been a pretty bumpy ride.  But on the way back he found his thumb and went sound asleep.  As a mom, I probably shouldn't be so excited that he is perfecting the art of thumb sucking, but it is just to darn cute!!

We have spent the rest of the day reading and swinging on the front porch...


Doctor Visit

Cooper's most recent visit to the doctor's office was this past Wednesday.  He was 9 weeks and 1 day old.  We were excited to see how he had grown - 15 pounds 10 ounces and 21 inches long!!  That put him in the 95% for both weight and height :)  The Doctor asked if people told us he looked big for his age...well that does happen quite a bit...that's because he is the average size of a 4-month old!!!

After his exam, the nurse came in to give him his immunizations..three BIG shots in the leg.  After the first poke he screamed and then the nurse poked him again - then he was mad and by the third poke he was REALLY MAD!  Then she put some very fun Transformers bandaids on his legs and he didn't like that too much either.  But once he figured out that was the end he fell right asleep...all worn out.  He had a tired day the rest of Wednesday but has been back to himself since then. 

Here are a couple of pictures of Cooper and Daddy in the office...

All tired out

He looks so small on that great big table

His next visit is in early November - by then he ought to be in 9-month outfits and almost out of his infant car seat...Love that little BIG guy!!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Mommy Monday

Well normally I will be home with Cooper on Mondays.  However, today I decided to work.  Why you say...well it's because on Wednesday when Richard would normally be home with him and I would be working, Cooper has a doctor visit.  I just couldn't talk myself into being OK with missing this one because they will be giving him his first set of vaccinations.  I think I will be more sad than he will so I just need to be there!!

That meant that today Cooper got to spend the day with Great Grandma Dorothy.  She just loves him so much which makes it just a tad bit easier for me to leave him and go to work.  Well actually, Richard is technically the one to "leave" him since he drops him off in the morning, but you get the idea.  As a bonus today, Grandma had an eye doctor visit so Cooper got to spend some time with Great-great Aunt Jane (my Grandma's sister) - Thanks so much for helping Aunt Jane!!

Cooper had a great day and mine got even better as soon as I was out of work and home with him.  Something not so new that he has been perfecting the past couple days is thumb sucking.  The night he was born he already got his thumb in his mouth and enjoyed some suckle time.  But since then it has been hit and miss, especially since he is an active little guy and flails his arms around.  Now that he is getting a little older (9 weeks tomorrow) he is improving and has been getting that thumb in more often...

The night he was born :)


I also have to share just a couple pictures from yesterday...Dada and Cooper watched their 1st NFL game together (or maybe that was the back of their eyelids)

Go Lions!

Big Strrrrrrrretch!!...even the monkey was laid out :)

Next Monday will be my first official working Mommy Monday - until then - Enjoy!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Dad's Day

I know it's been a couple weeks since I last posted my thoughts and what's on my mind with the little guy. For the past 2 Wednesdays we have been spending time together as a family hanging out just the three of us. We were preparing for the fact the we will no longer have a day just to ourselves, as Candice is now back to work.

Today was the first day that Cooper and I were by ourselves, I will call it father and son spending quality time together (Mommy calls it "Guy Time"). Before this whole process started I was very nervous about being alone with a baby...changing the diapers, feedings, bathing, dressing, crying, etc...would I be able to handle it? Well MEN, YES I did!  All of the things our little guy needs have become like second nature and I love every second of every day that I get to be a part of his life and care for him. My love for Cooper is indescribable, he melts this big guy's heart with every grin, smile, and especially when he is cooing.

Let's talk about today.......

First, I didn't have to get up until almost 5am for his night feeding...WhooHoo!!  We spent our morning sleeping in until about 8am and that was great! We had breakfast...Cooper 1st of course, because he who crys gets to eat first! :) Then we hung out and talked about life and that we were going to go out and visit some of Dad's old friends today. Here is a picture of the two of us on our adventure out of the house this morning. (Aren't we cute!)

We had a good time visiting some old friends that Dad has known for many years and spent some time just looking around at Lowe's in Muskegon.  Cooper was bright eyed and awake the whole time and just loved all the lights he got to look at. Both Candice and I have realized how much work it takes just to get ready to go anywhere when leaving the house now that Cooper is in the mix. But we wouldn't trade it for the world!!  I had a great time getting out with him today, even though it was only for a few hours.

Now ,Candice is home and has fallen asleep with Cooper in "their" chair after a long day of work.

In just a little while, we will be getting ready for small group tonight and this will be Cooper's first time with us. It is sure to be a fun time with a bon-fire and potluck at the Moellers.  Of course, most of our groupies have been along with us on our adoption journey and that makes it so fun to share him with all of them :)

Until next time...have a great rest of your week!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Mommy Monday

Happy Labor Day to all my faithful followers!!

Before I talk about today, I have to go back to yesterday.  Our church, Harvest Bible Chapel Spring Lake, started having two services yesterday.  So for the 1st service at 8:30 - we checked Cooper into the nursery for the first time with our good friends Roger and Julie Helms...

 and Sammy started his first day in the middle school JAM group so Mr T shared Donkey with him for a picture too :)

After church we took a quick rest before getting ready to go to our niece's, Mady's, birthday party.  We were supposed to be at the party at 5 pm which meant we should leave home by 4:00.  So by 3:55 pm we had Cooper in his car seat and we were finishing up our final preparations and feeling victorious.  Then all of a sudden Coop started grunting and made a big poop...needless to say we didn't get out the door until 4:10!  Really becoming parents :)

Mady's birthday was fun - here are a couple pictures...

Coop and the birthday girl

Lovin on Uncle Bob & Aunt Christy

On to today...we had a family dinner today at my cousins Rena and Edd's house.  Edd makes a fabulous pasta called Harvesters.  It is a big family hit and we are always excited to be invited.  The Curry house has a pool and Cooper took his first swim today...


Swimming wiped him out
Daddy having fun with the shark towel

Mommy too

What a SUPER fun time with our guy!!

Tomorrow I start back to work 2 days a week for the month of September.  My grandma will have Cooper on Tuesdays and he will be home with Daddy on Wednesdays.  I know he will be fine, but Momma might be more than a little sad.  Pray that I will fall right back into my job and not miss Coop too much!!