Yesterday, when I got home from picking up Coop there was a box hanging in a bag on our back door. I knew just what it was...a Halloween box from Richard's parents for Cooper :)
Well, even though Cooper and I were home, Richard had an event for work last night and wouldn't be home til late. So I brought the box in and just stared at it. Man, I really wanted to open it with Coop but I didn't want Richard to miss it. So I set it aside and watched the Tigers play. After the game or should I say homerun derby :) was over, the box came back to mind. Maybe it would be OK if I just cut the tape and looked inside, but didn't show Cooper what it I really should wait for Richard, right? Well, Coop was getting tired so I put him in his pjs and did the night time bottle and thought of the box again. No, now it was too late to open it with him. So I put him to bed...but I was still thinking of that box!! So I sent Richard a text to say that I was "so excited for him to get home so "we" could open the box"...
It was 8:30 by then and I was pretty tired from being up early. Cooper woke up for a 4 am bottle and I took the feeding and couldn't get back to sleep. So I just got myself right up and went to work - by 5:30. My eyes were getting I got ready for bed and took one last look at the sealed up box. And believe it or not, I just went right to bed without opening it!!!
Fast forward to this morning. Cooper woke up for a 1:30 am feeding and I got excited about the box again. But decided it was too early to wake Richard up to open it. Then Richard got up for a 5:30 am feeding. I was just nicely back to sleep when my two boys came to visit. Richard says "Mommy...Cooper thinks it is time to open his box...get up please Mom...we are so excited...come on, let's go open the box". He pulled on my hand and even though I was a little groggy, I got up.
Can you tell yet that we were way more excited about this than Cooper could have been at 14 weeks old!!!
So we propped him in the corner of the couch and opened the box. It was full of good stuff!! Take a look...
Thanks Grandpa and Grandma Hulst for the great Halloween gifts and for all the fun we got to have over the past 24-hours thinking about and then opening the box!!
After this charade...imagine what it will be like at Christmas!!!
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