Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Tardy Tuesday

Happy Hats

Back to the hats...this has been on my mind for several weeks but I've had too many other good things to post.

Today I'm posting my top 10 favorite hat pictures.  Feel free to "vote" on your favorite too...

#1 - Hospital Hat.  This one is my most favorite because it was Cooper's fist hat and will always hold a special place in our keepsakes.

#2 - The Elephant Hat.  This hat was made by Miss Julie Helms fashioned after one that we saw at Gap.  It was especially fun before she tacked down the trunk.
#3 - The Light Blue Cool Cat Hat.  This hat was made by Julie Anderson and was a shower gift.  Doesn't he look like a "Cool Cat"
#4 - The Father/Son Frog Hats. Also made by Miss Julie Helms.  Love that Richard's has the red tongue!!
#5 - The Ball Hats.  Thanks again Miss Julie Helms.  Look how little he is in the football hat.  That is one of his newborn pictures taken byRandy Riksen.  Then he grew and grew and by the time we got back to the baseball hat it was just a little too small.

#6 - The Towel Hoodies.  Although not technically hats, these are super cute additions to several towels that we have and do count sinc they cover the head.  My favorite is the SHARK!!

#7 - The Chic and Stylish Brown Gap Hat.  This was a garage sale find and he looks so much like Daddy with this cap on.  (ps...I often see the looks of his birth cousin Isley in him often and this picure really brings it out!!)

#8 - The Carter Critter Hats - We have a bunch of these and I just love to put them on wherever we go...we also have a Monster, a Turkey, and a Reindeer (all Holidays still to come so no pictures)

The Raccoon
The Hippo

#9 - The Dude Cap.  We bought this cap before Cooper was even born and brought it to the hospital when he was born with hopes that he could wear it there...of course it was way to big.  Super cute one though.

#10 - The Tigger Hoodie "Hat".  Again not technically a hat, but still head covering.  I love hoodies in general, but this one from Aunt Heather and Uncle David's trip to Disney is super special.

In other news...Coop is 16 weeks old today. How is that even possible!!  Let us know your favorite hat pick and keep an eye out for more hats in future posts.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Dad's Day

We had an action packed day, actually it was a productive day. Candice had a meeting in Holland in the morning and I also had a training meeting. We were both home before noon and spent the afternoon outside picking up leaves. Cooper was attached to Mom facing outward in the baby carrier. He loves to be outside, we think it's his most favorite spot he likes to be.

After we finished blowing leaves, Candice wanted to clean out our gutters and I was going to use the carrier and hold Cooper. I must admit it was a little odd having the carrier on and Cooper in front of me. It was fun to walk around with this little, big, guy on my front side. But, after about 15 minutes or so, it started to bother my neck and back. So, I just took it off and sat down to hold Cooper until Mom was done. I give Candice a ton of credit for wearing it with Cooper in it as I only lasted less than 15 minutes. Did I mention that I have the best wife in the world?

After we were done, we got cleaned up and were waiting for my nephews football game to start. We went to Jenison High School to watch and it was fun to see all the little kids playing football. I told Candice if Cooper keeps growing as fast as he has been going, he will be the biggest kid on the field when he's that age. (or maybe he will just play soccer...or baseball and be a pitcher for the Detroit Tigers :)...or maybe not based on how tonight is going!!)

Well that's all I have in me for the night as it's getting late, the Tigers are losing and Cooper needs to go to bed, along with Mom and Dad.

Go Tigers! 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Mommy Monday

So once again, evening family play time has superceded my previous blog post idea for the day.  I was planning on posting a bunch of pictures of Cooper in all his hats and having everyone "vote" on their favorite.  Cooper had other ideas :)

Most nights we try to spend some time with Cooper on the floor for tummy time.  It's not his favorite thing, which is why we are happy that his neck is strong enough to have time in the jumperoo or excersaucer because that helps make him stronger.  But we still try.  Most times it just ends up being the three of us laying on the floor with Cooper spending minimal time on his tummy.  Tonight was no different on that front.  However, Cooper has been scooting around on his back, pushing with his feet, and even rolling onto his side for a good week now.  Tonight he made some big moves toward rolling all the way from his back to his stomach and then it just happened.  It was so fun to see him hit a milestone like that :) but we thought it was just a fluke.  So, we just put him on his back again and kept playing.  And...he did it again!!  Well now you know I had to try to get a video.  He doesn't like to cooperate when the camera is in his face so I had to be incognito :)

After a couple tries we got him making his move...

Maybe next week we'll try for the hats :)

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Getting to sleep...

So this is one of Cooper's ways of trying to fall asleep...

Makes Sunday afternoon nap time so interesting!!

P.S.  You may have to turn it way up to hear the good stuff :)

Friday, October 19, 2012

The Halloween Box

So as we get closer to the holidays, Richard and I are finding out just how fun it is to have Cooper around.  For example...

Yesterday, when I got home from picking up Coop there was a box hanging in a bag on our back door.  I knew just what it was...a Halloween box from Richard's parents for Cooper :)

Well, even though Cooper and I were home, Richard had an event for work last night and wouldn't be home til late.  So I brought the box in and just stared at it.  Man, I really wanted to open it with Coop but I didn't want Richard to miss it.  So I set it aside and watched the Tigers play.  After the game or should I say homerun derby :) was over, the box came back to mind.  Maybe it would be OK if I just cut the tape and looked inside, but didn't show Cooper what it was...no I really should wait for Richard, right?  Well, Coop was getting tired so I put him in his pjs and did the night time bottle and thought of the box again.  No, now it was too late to open it with him.  So I put him to bed...but I was still thinking of that box!!  So I sent Richard a text to say that I was "so excited for him to get home so "we" could open the box"...

It was 8:30 by then and I was pretty tired from being up early.  Cooper woke up for a 4 am bottle and I took the feeding and couldn't get back to sleep.  So I just got myself right up and went to work - by 5:30.  My eyes were getting heavy...so I got ready for bed and took one last look at the sealed up box.  And believe it or not, I just went right to bed without opening it!!!

Fast forward to this morning.  Cooper woke up for a 1:30 am feeding and I got excited about the box again.  But decided it was too early to wake Richard up to open it.  Then Richard got up for a 5:30 am feeding.  I was just nicely back to sleep when my two boys came to visit.  Richard says "Mommy...Cooper thinks it is time to open his box...get up please Mom...we are so excited...come on, let's go open the box".  He pulled on my hand and even though I was a little groggy, I got up. 

Can you tell yet that we were way more excited about this than Cooper could have been at 14 weeks old!!!

So we propped him in the corner of the couch and opened the box.  It was full of good stuff!!  Take a look...

Thanks Grandpa and Grandma Hulst for the great Halloween gifts and for all the fun we got to have over the past 24-hours thinking about and then opening the box!!

After this charade...imagine what it will be like at Christmas!!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Dad's Day

I know what you're thinking, what has Richard been doing since he hasn't posted a blog? Well, life has been crazy and super busy. I'm amazed on how busy life can be sometimes. A couple weeks ago we had some friends over visiting from England, the Lothamers. When we started going to Harvest Bible Chapel in West Olive they were our small group leaders. We spent a couple of years in their group until we decided to go to Harvest Spring Lake. They are great friends and leaders. It was great to see them since it had been over a year. That same week Candice mom came into town for a week to see Cooper and have a shower for Aunt Ashley and baby Parker. So we were over at her grandparent's every night that week, so Grandma Teresa could spend as much time with Cooper as possible. Needless to say we are tired, worn out and ready for a vacation.

Whoever thought parenthood would be so busy? I have a new found respect for parents who have more than 1 child and try to get things done. On Wednesday, it's just me and Cooper as Mom is at work. I'm still trying to balance getting things done and spending enough time with my little guy. It's a hard thing to juggle time being busy with home stuff and playing with Cooper. Today I had intentions to dust and clean the kitchen and go outside with Cooper for a walk. Well, we ended up falling asleep after his afternoon bottle and Dad woke up after an hour and Cooper just kept on sleeping. When Candice came home I apologized for not getting more done, but having the loving wife I do, she was just happy that Cooper and I spent time together. I do love that little guy so much and it brings such happiness to my heart every time I get to hold him.
This is how I left him when I went outside :)

I did manage to get outside and get some leaves done and the garage cleaned out so Candice can start parking inside as we get closer to winter. I also got my haircut by my beautiful wife and we also cut Cooper's hair as his was getting long. Now Cooper and dad have the same haircut...well not quite :)

As we get closer to the holidays it will be a challenge to see all family and friends we want to see. I know lots of people want to see, hold, and love on our little guy. My prayer is that we stay on schedule with Cooper and make sure we get enough time for ourselves in the process. I sometimes wish we all lived closer to our family and we could just walk down the street to see all the family we have and friends. I know that God will give us strength as we head forward and I look forward to seeing all of our friends and family over the holiday season.

Thank you for listening to my ramblings and God bless,


PS - I want you all to know how much I love my amazing and beautiful wife!
(After all she does proof read and correct my grammar mistakes)

Monday, October 15, 2012

Mommy Monday :)

I made it back to Monday this week...

I've been thinking all week about what to blog on...Funny Faces...Fast Asleep or Not?...Football Time...Fancy Hats...and then tonight happened.

Just the thumb :)
Both Richard and I had long days.  I got home first and made a quick dinner because we were planning to spend the evening at the Bekin's farm for a hayride and pumpkins.  When Richard got home we decided not to go.  I was finishing dinner so while Richard changed, he put Cooper in the Jumperoo that Aunt Ashley and Uncle Chris are letting us bring to Grandma and Grandpa's.  Cooper really likes it because his feet touch the floor and he bounces and it lights up and makes music.  He was having so much fun that neither of us wanted to pull him out of it to eat.  So we made our plates up and both popped a squat on the kitchen floor and ate a "picnic" dinner right there in front of him while we played.  We spent so much time down there that I needed help getting up.  But it will be a night I won't soon forget!!

YES - his thumb is stuck in the paci!

Now he is cuddled up by Daddy enjoying his thumb while Dad has some ice cream.  What a great family evening...

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Mommy Wednesday??

Yup that's right...Mommy missed Monday and she is stealing today from Daddy.  He's not feeling well so I get the blog for today.

Let me take you back to Sunday...

My mom was in town and made us a big family dinner at my grandparents.  When that happens, this is how we all look after...

After a bunch of naps, we took a trip to Vander Mill Cider Mill to get some apple cider and pumpkins...
Donkey came too :)


Even though it was cold, we had a fun time with our little pumpkin!!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Mommy Monday

Today was the end of a very busy weekend and the start of a very busy week.  This past Saturday I had the pleasure and privilege to not only attend but also to teach an elective at the Harvest Bible Chapel Spring Lake Women's Conference.  The conference focused on placing Jesus FIRST in all areas of our lives.  Because Richard works on Saturdays, we needed a place of Cooper to stay for the day.  We decided to ask Uncle Bob, Aunt Christy, Mady, and Andrew.  Andrew had a football game and Cooper got to be his #1 fan...and his team WON.  Here is a picture from the after "party" :)

I worked today (my normal day off) because tomorrow my mom aka Grandma Teresa comes to town.  We are all meeting in Grand Rapids to get a gift for Uncle Chris and Aunt Ashley's baby in the tummy, Parker.  It's no secret, we are all going together to get their crib from Babies R Us.  The shower is technically on Thursday, but there is really no sense in making two trips to GR, right?  So my mom comes in tomorrow and tomorrow night we are blessed to host some dear friends who trusted the Lord's leading 2-years ago now and became "missionaries" in England, the Lothamer Family.  We will be joined along with them by some other supporters from Harvest Spring Lake.  Then Wednesday is baby shower prep.  Thursday baby shower.  Friday, Saturday, Sunday - Grandma time sure to include good food and fun times.  But all in all very busy.  So tonight, we just hung out and let Cooper play for the first time in his Exersaucer...thanks to the Harvest Ladies for this great gift...